Friday 27 March 2020

Friday March 27

On Fridays, we do our spelling test. Today, you can either write your words on paper and take a picture or try typing them in the document in Classroom. This week, we have done word work, sentence writing and listening to reading. Today I have an assignment where your child can read to themselves or you.
Tips for figuring out new words
- use stretchy snake to stretch out the whole word eg. cat becomes c-a-t
- use eagle eye to look at the pictures to give you context clues about what the word might be
- use chunky monkey to chunk bigger words into pieces. eg yesterday becomes yes-ter-day
- if you're still stuck, then you can ask for help after trying some strategies.

Mrs. Awid has a game for you to try for math today that will help with greater than and less than.

Over Spring Break, there will be no work assigned. I hope everyone takes some time to relax, reenergize and destress. Looking forward to seeing you at 1:30! Love Mrs. B

Thursday 26 March 2020

Thursday March 26

Assignments in Classroom are good to go for LA and Math. In LA, a combination of spelling practice and sentence writing. You can do the assignment in classroom or make some sentences on paper. If you'd like, you can also choose some activities from Word Work to try again, read or book or practice your popcorn words.

In math, there are two activities. Today we are focused on counting by 10's. 1 assignment is similar to counting by 2's and 5's and the other assignment is an app that you can have fun with. I have made a video to explain how to use it.

Mrs. Awid has a game for tomorrow that requires a deck of cards. If you don't have cards, you can write the numbers 1-9 on some small squares of paper and repeat this 4 times to play the game. Good number writing practice. :)

I will send an email to parents to day about setting up a Zoom video chat with the class tomorrow. I will send an email with more information and a form to pick the best time.

Have a great Thursday, Love Mrs. B

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Wednesday March 25

Good morning everyone! I loved seeing your pictures yesterday. I hope you are having fun learning at home at spending time with your families. There are two new activities in Classroom today. In math, the activity is similar to yesteday except now we are counting by 5's! In LA, I have one of my favourite stories for you to listen to called Duck! Rabbit! It is a book that really emphasizes differnt opinions and how things can change depending on how you look at them.

I also have a video message here that Mrs. Awid sent me. She is still busy working on those awesome math games we love! I will send you some of her ideas soon.

Mrs. Awid video - I hope this works, but if it doesn't, let me know and I will try to email it to you!

If you are looking for extra activities to do each day, try some of the links in Awesome Websites. You can also read daily, get outside as much as you can, practice your spelling or popcorn word games or try some Cosmic Kids Yoga. I have a new link in Awesome Websites called Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems. Mo Willems is one of my favourite authors. he has written "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and the Elephant and Piggy Series. On his YouTube channel, he has some drawing lessons for kids, and I know you all love to draw!! If you want, check it out!

Have a great day! Love Mrs. B

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Tuesday March 24

I hope everyone is doing well! I'm so happy most of you found your way to Google classroom. This is where I will be posting the LA and Math assignments for the day. There will be a new assignment for each subject each day, but please work at your own pace. To supplement these activities, you can try any or all of the awesome websites I have posted on the side. You can go for a socially distanced walk, call grandparents on the phone, read stories, play game or do a Cosmic Kids Yoga. In your school supply bag, we also sent home a Shuffle into Math package from Boxcars and One-eyed Jacks that you can look to for dice and cards game ideas.

A totally optional activity that you could do that might also add some routine for your child is to track the weather. If you have your student's supplies, you can use their weather calendar from school. If you don't have it and want to track the weather on your own calendar you can do so as well. Each day at calendar time, we would record the weather by colouring that date on our calendar according to our legend. Sometimes there would be two kinds of weather, so we'd divide the date in two colours, and sometimes we'd even need three colours. At the end of the month, we would graph how much of each weather we had experienced. Our legend is:
green - partly sunny/cloudy
grey - cloudy
red - snowy
purple - windy

**I have also sent an invitation to your child's gmail account to join Google Hangouts. It is an instant messaging system from Google that can allow me to say hi and chat one-on-one. To access this, when you are logged into Chrome with your child's account, you can go to their gmail and find the invitation from me. Just another way to stay in contact.

Today's math activity is all about counting by 2's. In LA, I have provided some offline ways to practice spelling and popcorn words. Head over to classroom to check them out! Have fun and let me know if you have any questions!
Love Mrs. B

Monday 23 March 2020

Monday March 23

Welcome to Day 1!
For language arts, you can practice whichever popcorn words your child is on whenever you want. These are listed on the side for your availability. When students have a list mastered, you could take a video and email it to me. :) We will still practice spelling words weekly. The words this week are: give, house, tell, them us
You can practice spelling words whenever you would like. I am going to divide language arts skills up throughout the week - Monday will be for journal writing, Tuesday will be working with words (spelling practice), Wednesdays are for listening to and responding to stories, Thursdays will be sentence writing or making words and Fridays will be spelling test/read to self or stuffie, or parents. I will try to keep this kind of language arts schedule to make an easy routine for children. I would say try to read together every day if you can. I will also try to add links on the side to websites for reading, listening to stories and other activities.

Today we will just be dipping our toes into online learning. I have assigned a practice log-in post in Google Classroom for students to make sure they can get into Google classroom. After that, there is a language arts game and a math game that they can try by clicking on the links in Classroom. These games are on ABCYa, which the children have used before and should be fairly comfortable with.

Here is a link to a video of logging in to Classroom:

Getting into Google Classroom

The best thing about your Google log-ins and passwords is that they are the same for all Google apps. If you take a picture with a device, you can save it in your child's Google Drive. If you are already logged into classroom, just go to the Google Drive website and you will be able to add new files like pictures in here. If you save them in Google Drive, they will be easier to share on Google classroom as well. I may be able to make a video about this in the future.

I will also send an invite to your child's account for Google Hangouts. This is an instant messaging platform that works through you child's Google password, and I can just send a message to your child individually.

This week in math, we will finish up some skills for Numbers to 100 before Spring Break. I'll be posting activities in Google Classroom and on here for you to try at home.

Have fun with math and language arts games today. I will have a new post about tomorrow's activities soon! I will do my posts for the next day's activities in the afternoons. Take it easy today and we will go one day at a time!
Take care, Love Mrs. B